A bicycle loop around Europe with Fryderyk the cat

03 Jun 2024

The Municipal Public Library in Braniewo cordially invites you on: June 10 (Monday) for a meeting entitled “A bicycle loop around Europe with Fryderyk the cat.” The meeting will take place at 17:00.

A traveler by accident, a cyclist by passion, a cat lover by surprise. Ola Mae is a photography graduate from Columbia College Chicago. She is the winner of the Journalists’ and Audience Award of the Kolosy festival, as well as the author of the book Cebula Czarownic and the podcast Projekt Cebula. She is distinguished by incorrigible optimism and loud laughter. She set off on a trip in the middle of the pandemic to visit 12 European countries in 13 months. She was charmed by each of them, but it was from the south of Italy that she brought back the most valuable souvenir of her bicycle trip – Fryderyk’s cat. From a long list of mistakes that serious travelers don’t talk about, Ola shamelessly admits to making all of them. Her touching and humorous story seems strangely familiar.

The meeting was carried out as part of a grassroots initiative entitled “Bike into the world of books” as part of the BLISKO program financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage