Exhibition entitled “140 years of the Ornecki railway in documents and photographs”

05 Oct 2024

We cordially invite you to the finissage of the exhibition entitled “140 years of the Orneta railway in documents and photographs”, which will take place on October 15, 2024 (Tuesday), at 11:00 a.m. at the Art-Nova Gallery, at ul. Rycerska in Orneta.

This is a unique opportunity to once again look at the fascinating history of the railway in Orneta, presented through unique photographs and documents.

The exhibition shows not only the development of the railway infrastructure, but also the stories of the people who created it. Each exhibit brings memories, and the collected materials are a valuable record of our local past.


During the finissage, there will be an opportunity to meet the authors of the exhibition and exchange memories and reflections. We invite all history enthusiasts, residents and railway enthusiasts to this exceptional evening.

The exhibition was organized and financed from the Orneta Commune Budget as part of the implementation of the project by the Reduta Orneta Association, entitled “Respect history and you will build a better tomorrow.”

The exhibition was organized in cooperation with:

– Museum of Warmia and Mazury,

– Railway Museum in Kościerzyna,

– State Archives, State Archive in Olsztyn,

– Museum Station in Warsaw,

– Porkon,

– Institute for the Development of Tactical Equipment,

– Sports and Recreation Center in Orneta

Exhibition curator: Rober Dubaj.

See you at the finissage.