8th Exhibition of the Warmian Icon Studio and the Agathos Group

17 Jun 2024

Since 2010, an informal group called Warmia Pracownia Ikony has been bringing together iconographers studying and practicing the art of icon writing from Nowy and Stare Kawków, Pupki, Szałstria, Lutry, Olsztyn, Dobre Miasto, as part of the “Tradition Laboratory – cultural heritage workshops, Byzantine tradition” program. Workshops have been conducted in Warmia for many years by Schola Węgajty and the Agathos Group.

The Warmian Icon Studio cultivates the traditional technique of writing icons, dating back to the first centuries of Christianity. All icons are made on a traditionally prepared canvas, in the egg tempera technique using natural mineral pigments. The so-called gold is used for gilding. transfer or flake.
Icons from the Warmia Studio together with icons of the Agathos Group were presented at numerous exhibitions:

– 2012 at the Synagogue Gallery in Barczewo,
– 2014 at the Town Hall in Morąg and at the Art Factory in Tczew,
– 2016 at the “Secret of Presence” exhibition in the Municipal Open-Air Museum in Dobre Miasto.


The icons were hosted in the Greek Catholic Church of St. Saint Andrew the Apostle in Bartoszyce and the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in Górowo Iławeckie.

They are present on the autumn exhibition trail in the Jonkowo commune as part of the local festival “Art in the farmyard”. Some of them have been a permanent decoration of the Chapel of the Face of the Lord in the parish church since 2014. Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist in Nowy Kawków.

For several years, icon-writing workshops have been held in nearby Krosno near Orneta. This year, the workshops will be held at Primary School No. 1 in Orneta. The exhibition will highlight the interior of the Session Hall of the City Hall in Orneta.

Program for July 7, 2024
– time. 18.00 – Holy Mass and rite of consecration of icons – Church of St. Saint John the Baptist in Orneta,
– time. 8.00 p.m. – Grand opening of the exhibition – Session Hall of the City Hall in Orneta.
– accompanying event: Gregorian and Byzantine chant by Schola Węgajty

The exhibition is open from July 7, 2024 to July 28, 2024.
From Wednesday to Sunday from 11.00 – 17.00

Curatorial tour of the exhibition:
– July 14, 2024 at 14.00 – 17.00
– July 21, 2024 at 14.00 – 17.00
– July 28, 2024 at 14.00 – 17.00
The task was financed from the Orneta Commune Budget.