Exhibition of works by Janina Gołaszewska “I like to look at human faces…”

05 Apr 2024

We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition of works by Janina Gołaszewska “I LIKE TO LOOK AT HUMAN FACES…” and a mini piano recital by Paweł Rolikowski – April 12, 2024 – Friday – 6:00 p.m.

“I like looking at people’s faces. Those expressive, predatory, full of sharp contours and those full of delicacy, translucent, disappearing into the background” – this is how Janina Gołaszewska describes her inspirations – a painter, a careful observer of human physiognomies, a researcher of the reality surrounding us, who registers her comments, impressions and thoughts through images. …

JANINA GOŁASZEWSKA graduated from the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, obtaining a diploma in the painting studio of prof. Jacek Sienicki, and an annex to the diploma in the textile workshop of prof. Wojciech Sadley. Since 1990, he has been working at his home Faculty of Painting. Currently, he is a professor and runs a drawing studio for first-year students. Art is a family tradition for the Artist – she grew up looking at the paintings of her great-grandmother’s sister, Irena Dybowska, who studied graphics with Stanisław Ostoja-Chrostowski before the war.

Today, her reflections and painting pretexts revolve around several topics:
landscape, still life, figures, heads, faces, images. He treats his canvases as a kind of escape from this strange time and strange world. When painting, he transfers a vision, an idea to the canvas without thinking about the viewer’s reception or reading of the work. “When deciding to make my works public, I have to take into account different interpretations and reception of the images, but there is always a desire, a hope that they will be read in a way, maybe different, but uplifting and interesting…” – he says.
She lives and works in Warsaw, but she is also close to Warmia, especially Rodnowo, where she has her second home and studio. Here she found silence, peace and order necessary for her painting. Moreover, the space in which the Artist moves inspires her greatly, influences her creativity and organizes her thoughts.

The opening of the works of this extraordinary painter will be accompanied by a mini piano recital by PAWEŁ ROLIKOWSKI – art therapist, arranger, founder and leader of the VitaVena band, co-creator of many musical events together with the “Miej Marzenie” Women’s Association and the Rolika men’s choir.
Paweł will play for us well-known and liked pieces of classical music, as well as entertainment and popular music.

We look forward to welcoming you!
Important information: reservation required – oranzeria@lidzbarkw.pl or tel. 517 262 146.