The Theater of Mistakes of the Braniewo Cultural Center invites you to a performance on the occasion of the International Theater Day

15 Mar 2024

Custom Staple – March 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Braniewo Cultural Center – free admission
A petitioner vs. an official, a seller vs. a customer is not always an easy combination to understand, especially when there are clearly sparks on these two levels. It has long been known that working at a desk can be busy and requires concentration, and a fiendish businessman can spoil even the taste of your morning coffee. “Custom Staple” performed by Teatr Pomyłek will take you, in a humorous way, to the times when obtaining the consent of an official was almost a miracle, and the kindness of the shop lady would make your hair turn gray. In the queue for the washing machine, previously unknown hunter-prey instincts were awakened, and illegal businesses flourished out of sight.

Performers: Krystyna Jarmałkowicz, Antoni Wąsowicz, Lucyna Gorczyca, Teresa Kondratowska, Teresa Skuratko, Danuta Gąsior, Krystyna Wąsowicz and Wanda Proniewska. Directed by: Monika Krasa
Guest stars:
Group 60+
Babu Squad, a stand-up group of Braniewo youth in the Twix program, or two bars